About Me

I enjoy watching many different sports whether it be at the game or on my couch. Growing up, my brother played Division 1 football so the football field and the game in general was a big part of my life.  My husband is TV sports producer so I have learned a lot about how the sporting world works, and some behind the scenes stuff too.  If I ever start going on a rant about camera angles, I hope that someone please stops me.

I love going to baseball games for the beer... and hot dogs.  I've been known to people watch instead of watch the game and have been lucky enough to have been to many of America's best ballparks. The ballpark is one of the few public places kicking back a few Old Styles and hot dogs is still socially acceptable. I've stood outside in December in the freezing cold on more than one occasion to see a lot of really good football. I've seen the Stanley Cup in person, and from my couch I've eaten a lot of cheese dip while enjoying anything from hockey to boxing (which sometimes looks like the same thing).

I know and have come across so many girls that have no clue what's happening during a game, who is in the playoffs, or even that in baseball it's called a run and not a point. What they don't realize is that so much of the sporting world is like a soap opera. Story lines have been stretched out over the years and with a little help and background info even SportsCenter can make sense.

My goal is for Sports Guy's Girl to entertain those who know things about sports with humorous and direct observations of the game. It is also meant to teach those who know nothing about sports that it really isn't such an exclusive club, and you too can get behind the velvet ropes.  I figure if I can get in, then it's truly anybody's game!